
A warm welcome to everyone.

Whether you are a new or experienced rider, Road or Mountain bike we love them all.

The site and blog are all about bikes and getting the most out of the hobby. I hope it goes someway towards helping improve your overall health, fitness & well-being.

Please head over to my blog, it's packed full of useful information about the equipment I use both indoors and outdoors. There is something for everyone from cycle technology to diet and nutrition. Read about my triumphs and mistakes on my journey back to the saddle


Blackpool to Leeds - (With Ryan D)

Date - Postponed due to Injury - To be rescheduled 2023

Time - tbc
Location - tbc

To Be Confirmed

Date -

Time -
Location -

To Be Confirmed

Date -

Time -
Location -

To Be Confirmed

Date -

Time -
Location -

Liverpool To Leeds - Canal Ride - (With Paul C)

Date - 15th August 2022

Time - Completed - 12 hours 33 minutes
Location - Liverpool

Ride With GPS Link 

Komoot Link

Ryan D's First Triathlon - Outlaw Full

Date - 24th July 2022

Time - Completed - Time 12 hours 17 minutes
Location - Nottingham